Unattended Children Policy

Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County

Birchard Public Library welcomes children of all ages. Because the library is a public building, it is vital that a parent or caregiver gives continuous supervision to young children. In addition to the Library Code of Conduct, the Board of Trustees of Birchard Public Library has adopted the following Safe Child Policy.

Children through age six must have a parent/caregiver in the immediate vicinity of the child. The assigned caregiver must be at least 10 years old and carry emergency contact information. During story times or programs, parents or caregivers must remain in the library building and must immediately join the child at the end of the program.

If children age six or younger are found without a parent or caregiver, staff will attempt to locate the parent/caregiver. If they cannot be located in the building or at home within 30 minutes, law enforcement personnel will be contacted to pick up the child.

Children seven years of age and older may use the library on their own. Parents are still responsible for the actions of their child. Due to differences in child development, it is strongly recommended that a parent or caregiver accompany children.

If library staff judge that any unattended child is not coping adequately, staff will attempt to locate a parent or caregiver to pick up the child. If the parent or caregiver cannot be contacted within 30 minutes, law enforcement personnel will be contacted for assistance.

Unattended children at closing:
To ensure their safety, children who do not have transportation home at closing time will be asked for telephone numbers of people who can pick them up at the library. Two staff members (generally the Adult Reference and Children’s Reference Associates) will wait with the child.

If a parent or caregiver cannot be reached within 30 minutes of closing or if the child is not picked up within 30 minutes of closing, library staff will contact law enforcement personnel to pick up the child. A note will be left on the door notifying the parent or caregiver.

Library staff members will use their judgement when dealing with unattended children at closing. Staff members are not permitted to give children a ride home.

Source URL: https://birchard.org/content/unattended-children-policy